Second-generation computers were mainly used between 1955 and 1964. The biggest change in the second generation computer was that transistors were used instead of vacuum tubes. Examples of second-generation computers are IBM 7090 & IBM-7094, IBM 1401, IBM-1620, UNIVAC 1107, etc.
In 1947, William B. Shockley, John Bardeen, and Walter H. Brattain jointly developed the transistor at the Bell Laboratory in America. After the transistor was invented, a new horizon of possibilities opened up for computer technology. Computers of this generation were not hot. It is smaller in size and consumes less power than the first generation of computers.
Characteristics of second-generation computers
- The use of transistors begins.
- The use of magnetic core memory
- The invention of the magnetic disk as auxiliary memory.
- High-speed input/output equipment.
- Small in size (51 sq ft)
- The emergence of high-level languages including Fortran and Cobalt.
- Transmission of data using telephone lines.
- Speed and reliability improvements.
- No more heat problems.
- Programs were written in assembly language.
- The speed of these computers was 10 times faster than the 1st generation computers.
Advantages of second-generation computers:
- They required relatively less electricity to operate.
- These computers were much smaller than the first generation.
- The amount of heat generated was less than the first-generation computers.
- The speed of work was higher than in the first generation and the price was relatively lower.
Disadvantages of second-generation computers:
- Regular maintenance was required.
- This generation of computers required air conditioning.
- Although these computers were smaller in size than the first generation, they were not portable.
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