

Application for permission to go on a study tour

Question: Imagine you are a student at Cambridge International School. Your classmates are interested in going on a study tour. So, you need to seek permission from the headmaster of your school. Now, write an application for permission to go on a study tour.
Application for permission to go on a study tour

Answer: An application for permission to go on a study tour.

20 September 2022
The Headmaster
Cambridge International School

Subject: Application for permission to go on a study tour.

Dear Sir,

With due respect, we, the students of Class 10 at your school, would like to request a study tour next week for refreshments. Along with our textbooks, we believe that we can acquire practical knowledge in various subjects. It will also enable us to bring positive change into our boring lives. So we ask for your permission and financial support, and we hope you will also join us.

Therefore, we pray and hope that you will be kind enough to allow us to participate in this study tour.

Sincerely yours
On behalf of the 10th class student

Question: Imagine you are Rashid from Abidpur Government High School. You are excited to go on a study tour that will expand your experience. Now, write an application to your headmaster requesting permission to go on a study tour.

Answer: Write an Application for Permission to go on Study Tour.

20 August 2022
The Headmaster
Abidpur Government High School

Subject: Application for permission to go on a study tour.

Dear Sir,

I, on behalf of the 8th-grade students of your school, would like to bring to your attention that we would like to go on a study tour to Cox's Bazar. It is one of the most beautiful places in our country. The beach is the main attraction of Cox's Bazar. With a length of 120 km, it is the longest natural beach in the world. It is a stunning and exciting place to swim, hike, and watch sunrises and sunsets. We will be able to gather knowledge, have fun, and improve our thinking through study tours.

Therefore, we humbly request that you will be kind enough to arrange and support us financially to make this study tour.

Sincerely yours
Rashid Khan
On behalf of the students of Class 8

Question: Imagine you are a student of Dhaka City College. Your classmates are interested in going on a study tour. So, you must seek permission from your principal. Now, write an application to your Principal praying for permission to go on a study tour.

Answer: An Application To The Principal Seeking Permission To Go On A Study Tour

15 September 2022
The Principal
Dhaka City College

Subject: Application for permission to go on a study tour.

Dear Sir,

With due respect, we, the students of your college, would like to go on a study tour. We want to visit Bagerhat Shat Gambuz Mosque. It is historically significant. It will broaden our knowledge and perspectives. It will make us feel better. We believe that we can learn about our country by visiting many key locations. A visit to this location will provide us with a good understanding of our great heritage. We think that this tour will expand our knowledge, ideas, and perspectives. Our group will consist of 30 students and two professors, and the tour will last two days. We have already gathered funds. However, we require further financial aid from the college fund.

Therefore, we hope and believe that you would be kind enough to give us permission to go on the tour.

Sincerely yours
On behalf of the students in 1st year

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